As you can see, there is alot of silicone around the face, this is because I left the silicone to set face down, so the face would have no naked areas.
After I had poured 1000 grams of silicone into my mold, I slushed it around so that all the surfaces were evenly covered with silicone. I then mixed up some flexi foam and poured it in, it went crazy and spewed out the mold like fizzed coke!
Here I am clamping shut my fibre glass jacket, ready to fill it with my silicone. I used clamps at first, but they fell off! Think its because of the uneven shape of the jacket. So I threaded cable grips into the holes I had made in the fibre glass jacket and clamped it tight.
I have started my 2nd year of fine art, and to start the year I have decided to acquire some special effects skills. I bought some 10T silicone, flexi-foam III, and some tolulene from Bentley to make it with. Here I am taking off the silicone jacket.